二硝基甲苯 4-二硝基甲苯
1、 DNT 二硝基甲苯 ; 禁止追踪 ; 禁止跟踪 ; 时间
2、 DNT dinitrotoluene 二硝基甲苯
3、 DNT Nanjing 天玑科技有限责任公司
Conclusions DNT is benign tumor which could be treated by surgery, total removal of tumor and using intraoperative electrocorticography could improve the result of operation.
DNT is packed loosely into the nasal cavity.
Figure 4 shows you an example of DNT strings and a good practice of keyword expression because the strings combined without Spaces between words such as WebSite are usually keywords.
The strings in this view should be marked as DNT in the glossary because the form name should be kept in English.
Unable to tell whether someone really objects to behavioral ads or whether they are sticking with Microsoft's default, some may ignore a DNT signal and press on anyway.
无法分辨一些用户是真的反对行为广告还是坚持微软的默认设置,他们可能会忽略 DNT 信号继续进行。
Microsoft's Internet Explorer and Apple's Safari both offer DNT; Google's Chrome is due to do so this year.
微软的 IE 浏览器和苹果的 Safari 浏览器都提供了 DNT 选项;谷歌的 Chrome 浏览器也将在今年推出相同功能。