A Happily Married Couple的意思|示意

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A Happily Married Couple的网络常见释义

佳偶 A Happily Married Couple(佳偶), 此释义来源于网络辞典。

互敬互爱 ... [praise and comfort] 夸奖慰勉 [a happily married couple] 互敬互爱、和睦相处的夫妻 [Jiayuguan] 中国明代万里长城西端终点,甘肃省地级市。位于河西走廊中段,人口8万。嘉峪关城楼宏伟,向称天下雄关 ...

A Happily Married Couple相关短语

1、 a happily married couple blessed 嘉偶

A Happily Married Couple相关例句

We were able to follow the somewhat complicated relationship of Gilbert and Anne from their very first meeting as children, who were intellectual rivals, to a happily married couple.


He is a word, you are spectrum, the two of you is a harmonious song. A match made in heaven, a happily married couple.


He is the word, you are the spectrum, you two are a harmonious song. A heaven-made match, a happily married couple.


We were able to follow the somewhat complicated relationship of Gilbert and Anne from their very first meeting as children, who were intellectual rivals, to a happily married couple.


And since a couple of years, Victoria and I are happily married.


Friends regarded Karen and Jeff as a shining example of a happily married couple.
