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生之弥撒 ...r)(利物浦,班托克Bantock,批示),《海上飘流》(Sea Drift)(谢费尔德,伍德批示);1909年首演《生之弥撒》(A Mass of Life)(伦敦,比彻姆批示),《 夏日庭院》(In a Summer Garden)(第一稿)(伦敦,戴留斯亲自批示)与《跳舞狂想曲第一号》(Dance Rh...

A Mass of Life相关例句

To raise interest rates under these conditions would be to undermine any chance of doing better; it would mean, in effect, accepting mass unemployment as a permanent fact of life.


During the exhibition, the consulting, services, information and life strategy will be released through the information platform, Wechat, hotels and a mass of outdoor media.


It is itself a product of evolution, characterized by the destruction of bacteria, and other life on a small body of mass destruction.


The little land remaining was what was left of the highest parts of some ancient land-mass that the Prang say was vast and rich in life and populated by a powerful race called the Obidan.


Ye held for writing for daily life and mass population, which is still of a strong operational significance and practical value and enlightens a lot on middle school writing tutoring.


Mass production, mechanism and materialism provided a richest materialist life but man pay the price of spiritual suffering.
