A Quiet Day的意思|示意
A Quiet Day的网络常见释义
艺术摇滚 ... quiet day 无磁扰日 A Quiet Day 艺术摇滚 solar quiet day variation 太阳静日变化 ...
A Quiet Day相关短语
1、 What A Quiet Day 多么安宁一天
2、 is a quiet peaceful day 只是安静祥和的日子
3、 on a quiet peaceful day 一起走过安静祥和的日子
A Quiet Day相关例句
But even more important is taking the time to just BE, at least once a day…taking it all in, enjoying the quiet, watching the clouds, or enjoying a cup of your favorite tea while resting your body.
但更重要的是,花更多的时间,去感知你的 存在 ,每天至少去感受一次,享受片刻宁静,看看天上的浮云,或者喝杯你最爱的茶,同时放松一下紧绷的身体。
Spend a quiet day with the one you love.
They may be islanded in a sea of other human beings; they may come only at the end of the day, or in the quiet hush of the early morning.
It was a quiet day but, then again, I’m not including the telephone calls.
Find a time in the morning, when the world is still fairly quiet, to sit still. Don't do anything, don't plan your day, don't check email, don't eat. Just sit, and learn to be comfortable being still.
Partners will update their own accounting packages promptly, but they may delay updating the online system until a quiet period of the day or week, which could cost them money.