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红玫瑰 ...泛滥成灾, 08年6月英语四级作文考前预测-, 四六级写作预测及范文:书信|英, 学生宿舍的电话(Telephones in S, 红玫瑰(A Red Rose), 万能的美元(The Almtghty Dollar, 禁止在课堂上使用计算机(Compute, 幽默的魅力(The Power Of Humor), 给老同学的一封信, 中国...
下一篇 ... 上一篇: 我喜欢安静的你(I like you are quiet) 下一篇: 红玫瑰(A Red Rose) 夜宴在威尼斯首映(The Banquet to premiere in Venice) ...
A Red Rose相关短语
1、 You're like a red rose 你像一朵红玫瑰
2、 A Red Red Rose 一朵红红的玫瑰 ; 红红的玫瑰 ; 浪漫爱情 ; 先锋红玫瑰
3、 For A Red Rose 为一只红色玫瑰
A Red Rose相关例句
If I bring her a red rose she will dance with me till dawn.
She bent to pick a red rose.
But she wore a red rose in the brown lapel of her coat.
He cried; here is a red rose!
She singled out a red rose.
At 7 p.m. he was in the station looking for the girl with a red rose.