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A Water Lily的网络常见释义

睡莲 贾鹏芳的睡莲( a water lily) ,拨弄起这个感伤季节的乐章 , 使人顾影自怜,甚是怀旧 感伤。

贾鹏芳 New Age 贾鹏芳 ( A Water Lily ) 和平之月 Pacific Moon,一个专门制作New Age和World…

子午莲 ... 明亮的天狼星 sirius 子午莲 a water lily 东京回来 back to tokyo ...

详细翻译 ... a torn lily 孽海花... 详细翻译>> a water lily 睡莲... 详细翻译>> af-lily 家女儿... 详细翻译>> ...

A Water Lily相关短语

1、 A Water Lily Download 睡莲

2、 To a Water-lily 致睡莲

A Water Lily相关例句

One of the dangers leading to a proliferation of use cases is what I call the water lily syndrome.


In Hangzhou, there is a kind of water lily whose pads are so huge that a person can stand on them.


A water lily glows in the aquatic plants area of San Francisco's Conservatory of Flowers.


He was a handsome prince but a wet one. The lily pad had collapsed under his weight and dumped him into the water.


And sometimes you can find a water lily with white flowers.


About a week later one of the water bugs climbed up the lily pad and emerged on the other side.
