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A pessimist的网络常见释义

悲观主义者 最后,作者以幽默做结:当然即使是 悲观主义者 ( a pessimist ),面对良好的结果,也会喜不自胜(dissolve into a Cheshire Cat grin)。

悲观者 倒影在水中的景色十分迷人 » Monsters in the water in 10 hours of fascinating scenery 悲观者 » A pessimist 今晚要跟我打电话么? » Tonight I call it?

A pessimist相关短语

1、 I'm a pessimist 我眼中的世界凄凉悲怆

2、 a pessimist the thorn 乐观的人看到玫瑰

3、 To A Pessimist 对悲观者而言

A pessimist相关例句

If you are typically an optimist, be a pessimist during this part of estimation.


I am neither cynical nor a pessimist but just a pragmatist.


A pessimist? That's a person who has been intimately acquainted with an optimist. — Walter Winchell.


An optimist see an opportunity in every calamity, a pessimist see a calamity in every opportunity.


There is a famous old story about an optimist and a pessimist.


If you are a pessimist, you might see such a response as an unworkable plan of naive technocrats.
