A variety of goods的意思|示意

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A variety of goods的网络常见释义

多种商品 您可能开立一个生意账户(Account)而营业多种商品(A variety of goods);业务金额(Amount)可根据您的一面喜爱而拟订,生动便利。开仓、平仓均不需求交纳佣钱,轻便来往。

A variety of goods相关短语

1、 a great variety of goods 品种齐全 ; 品种齐备 ; 种类具备 ; 种类完全

2、 have a variety of goods 货物齐备

3、 A wide variety of goods 琳琅满目的商品

A variety of goods相关例句

By trading with others, people can buy a greater variety of goods and services at lower cost.


The supermarket sells a variety of goods.


A variety of documentation indicates that certain goods, once made by a family member as one of many duties, were later made by skilled artisans.


This shop has a satisfactory variety of goods.


The site has also joined up with more than a thousand group shopping websites to help users enjoy bulk purchase discounts on a variety of goods.


If the tech really is as good as Apple may or may not think it is, a variety of consumer goods — not just Apple products — could be manufactured more durably and at a lower cost.
