Action Master的意思|示意

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Action Master的网络常见释义

行动战士 玩具市场出现了更多的微型战士,还出现了另一个分支“行动战士(Action Masters)”——这是一种不能变形、仅能摆姿势的“变形金刚”玩具。

动态战士 而孩之宝更是在这一年中推出了违反常规的玩具——不能变形的action master (动态战士)。这个系列主要描述了变形金刚们吸收了新的能量——纽克利昂,从而失去了变形的能力,取而代之的是能够变形的各种辐助工具。

求可动战士 求可动战士(action master)录音机,主体即可 此谕,如题。

Action Master相关短语

1、 According to the master action 照着师傅的动作干

2、 master action 主销后倾作用

3、 Always Follow Master Action 永远跟着主人行动

Action Master相关例句

MASTER: the world is the field of action.


As to the loading board part, many design methods are introduced, such as master-slave communication, input signal detection, status displaying, manual action, power supply and so on.


Arjuna said: O mighty armed one, O master of the senses, O slayers of the Kesi demon, I wish to understand the factual distinction of renunciation and the renouncing of the fruit of action.

阿诸那说:伟大的武士啊,感觉的主人啊,斩 除 克 赛恶魔的人啊,我想明白,放下利益行为和放弃利益行为有什么实质性的区别。

In the new semester, I have a new goal, don't do language giant, to become the master of action! I know that the success is not accomplished by dreams, but by their actions!


But what's new is the way it can interpret the intentions of its master or mistress and use those sites to put them into action.


Action Master-Get 10 kills with a single detached turret in any mode.
