Air change flow的意思|示意

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Air change flow的网络常见释义

新风量 新风量(air change flow)是指在门窗关闭的状态下,单位时间内由空调系统通道、房间的缝隙进入室内的空气总量,单位:m3/h。

Air change flow相关例句

Analyzes the effects of indoor dust loading and of fresh air rate to the air change rate in turbulent flow clean rooms.


The new technique takes into account the effects of air density change and rotational speeds, thereby improving the analogy theory and making it applicable to compressible flow.

新方法考虑到工质密度和转速变化对压气机特性的影 响,改进了相似理论并使其可应用于可压缩流体计算中。

This thesis deals with the axial non symmetry of air flow in the cyclone, with change of single inlet to double inlet.


Air temperature and accumulation of stem SAP flow's diurnal change showed uniform trend with trunk stem SAP flow.


This paper introduces special pneumatic valve's air control system work theory and usual trouble, shall air control system change electron system analyse, and introduces electron system control flow.


In the expanding process, the coal powder torch's expanding form is varying with the change of time, space, and air flow field.
