Allow Read Access的意思|示意

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Allow Read Access的网络常见释义

允许读取访问 ... 2000 Server下建立虚拟Web主机的方法。 Allow Read Access(允许读取访问) Allow Script Access(允许脚本访问) ...

允许读访问 ...ESS),在重组织过程中在表上加一个独占锁,但您如果要允许其它的事务读取或更新表,可以指定为允许读访问(ALLOW READ ACCESS)或允许写访问(ALLOW WRITE ACCESS)。

Allow Read Access相关短语

1、 Allow Read-only Access 只读访问

Allow Read Access相关例句

The parameter ALLOW read access in a RUNSTATS command specifies that other users can have read-only access to the table while statistics are calculated.

在RUNSTATS命令中的参数ALLOW READ ACCESS指定计算统计信息时,其他用户可以只读地访问该表。

Moreover, if an ALLOW read ACCESS load operation fails or is aborted, pre-existing table data can still be read.

此外,如果ALLOW READ ACCESS加载操作失败或者被中断,预先存在的表数据仍然可以被读取。

The parameter ALLOW WRITE ACCESS in a RUNSTATS command specifies that other users can read from and write to the table while statistics are calculated.

在 RUNSTATS 命令中的参数 ALLOW WRITE ACCESS 指定计算统计信息时,其他用户可以读取或写入该表。

Change permissions to allow everyone read-and-write access.


By using report Builder or report Designer, you can allow users to update reports without granting them read access to the databases.


To allow Network Service read and write access to the folder, the security for the folder must be modified.

为了让Net work Service能够对文件夹进行读访问以及写访问,文件夹的安全级别必须得到修正。