Allow anonymous access的意思|示意
Allow anonymous access的网络常见释义
此处可根据自己需要选择 allow anonymous access(接受匿名登录吗):此处可根据自己需要选择。 anonymous home directory(匿名主目录):此处可输入(或选择)一个专供匿名用户登录的主目录。 password(密码):设定密码。
接受匿名登录吗 (4)Allow anonymous access(接受匿名登录吗):此处可根据自己需要选择,比如选“Yes”。 (5)Anonymous home directory(匿名主目录):此处可输入(或选择)一个供匿名用户登录的主...
否接受匿名登录 ⑵域名(Domain name) ⑶是否安装成一个系统服务器(Install as system server) ⑷是否接受匿名登录(Allow anonymous access)
Allow anonymous access相关短语
1、 Allow w anonymous access 此处可根据自己需要选择
Allow anonymous access相关例句
Deselect "Allow Anonymous Access" and select "Basic Authentication". You'll also need to have a username with a password.
To require a password if your site is hosted on IIS, you can deselect Allow Anonymous Access and select Basic Authentication.
If the system is configured to allow anonymous access, then sessions will become authenticated using a special anonymous user as there are no real anonymous sessions in IBM Cognos 8.
如果系统配置为允许匿名用户,那么会话成为使用特殊匿名用户的已验证会话,因为在IBM Cognos 8中没有真正的匿名会话。
A default installation on a single server will allow Anonymous access and will give the Everyone group in the Cognos namespace the permissions of the built-in System Administrators role.
单个服务器上的默认安装将允许匿名访问,并为Cognos名称空间的everyone组授予内置system Administrators角色的权限。
First, change the ACL to allow Anonymous reader access.
Use this page to allow or deny anonymous users and authenticated users access to your Web site.