Always Alert的意思|示意
Always Alert的网络常见释义
始终保持警惕 ... 必须保持警惕 Must Be Mindful 始终保持警惕 Always On Guard ; Always Alert 时刻保持警惕 Permanently Alert ...
Always Alert相关短语
1、 Always Alert Their Own 时时警戒自己
2、 alert always 随时报警 ; 随时警告 ; 详细翻译 ; 翻译
3、 be always on the alert 常备 ; 一种军事思想
Always Alert相关例句
The best way to protect your computer is to install virus protection software that's always alert and looking out for harmful intruders.
She was always on the alert for some new calamities.
In his journal, Henry David Thoreau wrote, "My profession is always to be on the alert to find God in nature, to know his lurking places, to attend all the oratories, the operas in nature."
I like animals, too, especially leopards. They are always so calm and alert, just like kungfu masters.
If we are alert enough, we'll notice that we are always on guard.
In our reading we should always be alert for idiomatic expressions.