Amitabha Buddha的意思|示意
Amitabha Buddha的网络常见释义
阿弥陀佛 上面这个就是大神阿弥陀佛(Amitabha Buddha),产于隋朝,原位于河北省崇光寺。这尊佛像双手已丢失,但是可以看出它的右手向上伸,左手较低,做的手势应该是佛教中的施无畏印...
无量光佛 ... 此唐卡主尊为释迦牟尼佛,乌发肉髻,面相慈和,左手脐前捧佛钵,右手垂膝,双足跏趺于莲花宝座中央。 其上正中为无量光佛(Amitabha Buddha),其余为八大菩萨于四周,..
弥陀佛 ...子是文殊菩萨,八子是普贤菩萨无诤念厥后成佛,为西方愉逸世界的无量寿佛,即西方神仙世界的阿(读e)弥陀佛(Amitabha Buddha)宣称一心专念阿弥陀佛的名字别号,身后即可“往生愉逸领土”
阿弥陀佛的略称 佛陀生于释迦族,故又名释迦牟尼 [ Amitabha Buddha ] 阿弥陀佛的略称。佛教指西方极乐世界中最大的佛 [ uneven stones ] 回旋曲折的样子 ..
Amitabha Buddha相关短语
1、 The Mantra of Amitabha Buddha 无量寿净土陀罗尼
2、 Not even the Amitabha Buddha 喃无阿弥陀佛
3、 Thanks to Amitabha Buddha 阿弥陀佛谢谢您
Amitabha Buddha相关例句
When I chant the name of the Earth Store Boddhisattva or Amitabha Buddha, do I have to chant loudly?
Went to the temple know that one into the temple, above all, Amitabha Buddha, the welcoming smile, and in his north, it is the black mouth bad guy Whitfield.
Images of Avalokiteshvara can often be identified by the presence of a small figure of the Buddha Amitabha seated with his hands in meditation, in his head-dress.
E.g. Amitabha Buddha (Amituofo) has infinite life for helping countless beings in Pure Land.
Don't skip a year. Then we will have great affinities with Amitabha Buddha and Guanyin Bodhisattva.
Once his science teacher tried to do an experiment by using a magnifying glass to fire ants under the spotlight, all his classmates were very excited, while my son chanted Amitabha Buddha in silence.