氧 陈集污水处理厂目前污水处理设计能力为2000t/d,陈集污水处理厂所采用的工艺是在二级缺氧-好氧(AN-O)工艺基础上增设厌氧-好氧(Ap-O)区而具有脱氮和除磷能力的新型污水处理工艺。
1、 with an o rchId 和兰花在一起
2、 an o ther 另一个
3、 An O-of European History 欧洲史纲要
One of several new foods to feature the motile microorganism is Salmonell-Os—an O-shaped breakfast cereal packed with hearty typhoid clusters—which is expected to hit grocery stores by April.
其中一种以活菌为卖点的新型食品是Salmonell-O,一种O形的即食谷类早餐,里面有生长旺盛的伤寒病菌株。 这种产品预计能冲击4月份的食品杂货店市场。
The rope counterpart simply creates a new concatenation node, which is an o (1) operation.
Now it begins with priceline and ends with pregnancy calculator. I add an o.
我又在P后面,输入一个r,提示关键词就自动刷新,变成了以priceline开始,以pregnancy calculator这个词结束。
Tha' come an' did a bit o' prunin'!
Take Ping an Insurance Group as an example. On the one hand, it entrusts its subsidiary-Ping an Trust-to actively seek suitable commercial property and buy it as an o ce premises.
Shi says she always felt her eyes were too small and every morning she would apply a piece of sticky tape on the upper part of her eyelid to fake an "o" shaped eye look.