And then it happened的意思|示意
And then it happened的网络常见释义
就那么发生了 ... baby深深地伤害 And then it happened 就那么发生了 she touched me 她在我身上轻抚 ...
就那么发作了 ... you hurt my baby 你把我的 baby深深地损伤 and then it happened 就那么发作了 she touched me 她在我身上轻抚 ...
然后它发生 ... where i live » 我住的地方 And then it happened » 然后它发生 Slumber » 睡眠 ...
就那么产生了 ... you hurt my baby 你把莪的 baby深深地伤害 And then it happened 就那么产生了 she touched me 她在莪身上轻抚 ...
And then it happened相关例句
Szostak also doesn't care for guessing exactly how life happened the very first time and then duplicating it.
Well, a great deal has happened since then, and perforce modern languages and literatures have altered the canon always to the end of thinning it out.
Subconsciously you know this to be so and for some that shows as fear, because of what happened then and the possibility of it occurring again.
Just like it happened with Gmail back then, some people will misunderstand this feature and be scared of it: "How does Google know the contents of my private files?"
You finish a project, and then you study it to determine what happened.
If your dad happened to buy a house in London in the 1960s, and hung on to it, then your own salary (or lack of it) scarcely matters.