Angel Fall的意思|示意
天使瀑布,安赫尔瀑布(委内瑞拉东南部的一座瀑布,约980米(3, 212英尺)高,是世界上最高的不间断瀑布)
Angel Fall的用法详解
Angel Fall,即“天使的坠落”,是指犯下罪行的天使从天堂坠落到地狱的故事。这个词用于比喻一个人虽然外表像极了天使,但实际上和天使并不相同,因为他们并不完全坚持正义,而是行为失败后变得脆弱和虚伪。
1.She looked like an angel, but when we heard her speak, we knew that she was an angel fall, not the one we thought she was.
2.He was an angel fall, a man who seemed so perfect, but ended up betraying the trust.
3.He was a real angel fall, as he led us all on and made us believe in him, yet he was only here to make a quick buck.
总之,Angel Fall是指一个表面上似乎完美无缺,但实际上却反败为胜、失信于人的人。
Angel Fall相关短语
1、 Angel fall first 女声蓝调
2、 Fall of angel 天使的堕落
3、 Fall Angel Lucifer 翻译公司天使路西法
4、 Fall glow angel 落霞天使
5、 Fall Like An Angel 瀑布像一个天使
Angel Fall相关例句
And the fifth angel sounded, and I saw a star fall from heaven unto the earth: and to him was given the key of the bottomless pit.
The angel announces the fall of Babylon.
Catch a snowflake on our tongue and feel its cold, clean taste. Fall backward into a soft drift of snow, swirl our arms, and make an angel.