April Fool Day的意思|示意
April Fool Day的网络常见释义
愚人节 愚人节(April Fool Day)也称万愚节、幽默节,是西方社会民间传统节日,节期为每年4月1日。
April Fool Day相关短语
1、 April-fool Day 愚人节
2、 April fool day mutual teasing 在愚人节那天相互戏弄
3、 April Fool' Day 愚人节
April Fool Day相关例句
So later that in this day to do a meaningless things, like a dove made of white workers as stupid behavior, is the origin of "April Fool" is.
April fool "s day is traditionally a day to play practical jokes on others, send people on fool" s errands, and fool the unsuspecting.
One April Fool?s Day, a person in England announced that there would be no more spaghetti because the spaghetti farmers in Italy had stopped growing spaghetti.
一次愚人节时,一位美国记者宣布,后 不会再有意大利式细面条可以吃了, 因为意 大利的农民已经停止种植生产细面条的植物。
Today is April fool's day, but I have it regular, not to make fool of others, also not being made a goose of!
One theory for the terming of an April Fool was that some refused to follow these calendars that recognized April 1st as the first day of the year, which resulted in being called an April Fool.
Now, she tells me: April fool's Day, fool plunder, fool forms.