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At Your Choice相关短语
1、 date at your choice 在您选择日期 ; 在您选择的日期
2、 Look At Your Choice 看你选择
At Your Choice相关例句
Next, focus on clarifying and refining your ideas in order to arrive at the best possible choice.
You know by December or January whether your child has been accepted at the first-choice college.
On the other hand, if your persuasion attempt is aimed at someone with whom you have a more cooperative relationship, face-to-face could be a better choice.
We've got clear and cream soup at your choice.
At this point, extract the contents of the download file, included with this article, to a directory of your choice.
此时,将本文所包括的wascesecurity_samples . zip下载文件的内容解压缩到您所选择的目录中。
First prize will be a meal for two at the restaurant of your choice.