
美 / ˌɔ:stri:əˈhʌŋgəri: / 英 / ˌɔstriəˈhʌŋɡəri /

n. 奥匈帝国


Austria-Hungary, known today as Austria and Hungary, is a former empire located in Central and Eastern Europe.

Austria-Hungary has a long and rich history that dates back to the medieval period. It was initially established in 1526 when the Habsburg rulers of the Austrian monarchy consolidated their control over large parts of the Holy Roman Empire. The empire reached its peak during the 19th century and included many different ethnic and cultural groups, including German, Hungarian, Czech, Slovak, Slovene, Croat, Bosnian, and more.

Austria-Hungary was a major power in Europe during the 16th and 19th centuries, with its influence reaching into the Balkans and parts of the Middle East. Later in its history, Austria-Hungary became a central European power rivaling France, Germany, and Russia. Following the outbreak of World War I, the Habsburg rulers dissolved the empire in 1918 and the successor states were created.

Today, Austria and Hungary are two distinct countries with their own languages and cultures. Furthermore, many of the other groups that were part of the former empire, such as Ukrainians and Romanians, have their own independent countries as well.

Austria-Hungary is a term used to refer to this former empire, or the region it covered. It is also used to refer to the period of its existence, from 1526 to 1918, as well as the state of affairs in the region during that time.


1、 Austria-Hungary surrenders 奥匈帝国投降,历史上的今天奥匈帝国投降

2、 Austria-Hungary Empire 奥匈帝国

3、 Franz Joseph I of Austria-Hungary 弗朗茨·约瑟夫一世

4、 Eurail Austria-Hungary Pass 奥地利

5、 Austria Hungary 奥匈帝国

6、 Elisabeth of Austria-Hungary 茜茜公主

7、 Eurail Austria - Hungary Pass 奥地利

8、 Franz Josef of Austria-Hungary 弗朗茨·约瑟夫一世

9、 AUSTRIA and HUNGARY 奥地利与匈牙利


The area then came under the control of the Austrian empire and then Austria - Hungary .

这一区随后落入奥地利王国的统治,后来又受奥 匈 帝国掌控.


Czechoslovakia gains its independence from Austria - Hungary .

1918年的今天,捷克斯洛伐克脱离奥 匈 帝国取得独立.


At this time Austria - Hungary was still occupying some parts of Italy, with clearly Italian population.

当时奥 匈 帝国还占有意大利一些领土, 无疑那里都是意大利人.


Austria - Hungary enters an armistice with the World War I Allies, and the Habsburg - ruled empire dissolves.

奥 匈 帝国与一战同盟国休战, 哈普斯堡皇室控制的帝国瓦解.
