标尺 古代导航工具 直角器(Cross-staff) 标尺(Back-staff)古代导航工具 四分仪(Quadrant) 夜间记时仪器 (Nocturnal ) 星盘(Astrolabe ) 航海员星盘 (Mariner‘s Astrolabe)指南针...
1、 back staff 反向高度仪
2、 Plastic Back Staff Chair 塑背职员椅
3、 back staff expenses 费用工报酬
Once inside, staff will be checking pipes, valves and machinery to see what needs to be repaired so the reactor's self-cooling system can be put back in use.
Earlier in the day, back at the small hospital where the staff was singing, doctors had said they did not expect him to make it through mid-afternoon.
"Get back to work, Jamey," Chappelle commanded, impatient with what he saw as the Loyal Staff act.
It has no back end repository to query against and is not enabled for production environments, but it is useful for simple test scenarios with staff support.
For those who intend to staff the ticket booth, or at least fill it with a costume-draped dummy, the interior is accessed through a full sized cabinet door at the back.
For example, in an organization that has few staff members, a second individual could be trained to back up the primary DBA if the latter were unavailable.
例如,在一个员工比较少的组织中,可以训练一个员工来作为主 DBA 的后备,以防主 DBA 不在。