Bacterial cell walls的意思|示意

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Bacterial cell walls的网络常见释义

胞壁成分 关键词:溃疡性结肠炎;乳酸杆菌;胞壁成分;DNA;细胞核因子-κB [gap=1639]Key words: Ulcerative colitis; Lactobacillus; Bacterial cell walls; DNA; NF-κB

Bacterial cell walls相关例句

Bacteria are less affected by the osmotic effect of salt than animal cells because bacterial cell walls are less permeable.


Except for praline and hydroxyproline which are imino acids all the amino acids are l-amino acids although d-amino acids do occur in bacterial cell walls and in some antibiotics.

除了脯氨酸和羟基脯氨酸(亚氨基酸)以外,所有的氨基酸是l -氨基酸,但是d -氨基酸出现在细菌细胞壁和一些抗体中。