Balance of Terror的意思|示意

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Balance of Terror的网络常见释义

恐怖平衡 ...当然是美国拥有摧毁苏联的绝对力量而苏联没有,但事实不是这样,双方已经形成了双方足以相互摧毁的恐怖平衡(balance of terror),在这个现实下,军备竞赛与军备控制谈判中,光想怎么使自己最安全是不行的,有可能你得主动想想怎么使自己不是那么安全,以便让...

Balance of Terror相关短语

1、 financial balance of terror 金融恐怖平衡

2、 balance of financial terror 金融恐怖平衡

3、 The Balance of Financial Terror 金融恐怖平衡

Balance of Terror相关例句

A well-known example of military globalism is the "balance of terror" between.


Coexistence on the edge of the cliff, a balance of terror, seemed more and more reasonable.


The spokesman stressed the point that they ought to insist on maintaining the balance of terror.
