Be Persecuted的意思|示意

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Be Persecuted相关短语

1、 be persecuted to death 指死得不明不白

2、 hrtisementswill be persecuted 未经允许

3、 be persecuted by silly questions 被愚蠢的问题所困扰

Be Persecuted相关例句

It's impossible to exist, it's impossible to be persecuted, it's impossible to miss your reward.


Once the affair become public, he will be persecuted by the press.


Love, especially between man and woman, is the most complicated thing in the world. Once you get trapped into it, you will be persecuted by endless emotional troubles.


On the contrary, the Church always has been and always will be persecuted as long as we are in the world, but this is not the same as the wrath of God poured out during the Tribulation.


Let us be ever mindful of God's persecuted servants, and He will reward us.


Unauthorized posters and advertisements will be persecuted.
