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Board Valley的网络常见释义

城市 介 城市中文名称: 城市英文名称:Board Valley 州或国家代码:TN (US) 国家中文名:美国 国家英文名:United States 纬度:36°02'00.00"N 经度:85°23'00.00"W

Board Valley相关短语

1、 Fraser Valley Real Estate Board 菲沙河谷地产局 ; 菲沙河谷房产局 ; 菲沙地产局

2、 valley board 屋顶斜沟排水槽底板

3、 Thames Valley District School Board 泰晤士河谷区教育局 ; 泰晤士谷地区教育局

Board Valley相关例句

This reverse for raw milk followed another last month, when the board of Organic Valley, a national co-operative of organic farmers, voted against letting its members sell raw milk on the side.

上月发生了另一起针对生奶销售态度的反转。 全国有机农场合作组织有机谷委员会投票反对允许成员销售生奶作为副产品。

He is a member of the Superintendent's Advisory Board of the Napa Valley Unified School District, as well as a member on the Board of Advisors of the c.


The board's decision stunned Silicon Valley and H-P investors. Analysts and corporate-governance experts now are debating whether the board acted decisively, or too rashly, in removing Mr. Hurd.

惠普董事会的决定令硅谷(Silicon Valley)和惠普的投资者感到震惊,公司治理方面的专家们正在争论,董事会让赫德辞职的决定属于当机立断,还是过于仓促行事。

The Thames Valley District School Board is participating in a field-test of the Steps to English Proficiency (STEP) project sponsored by the Ministry of Education.


In January, she resurfaced as a new director of Hewlett-Packard (HPQ), joining a board that has become one of the most questioned in the history of Silicon Valley.


He also serves on the Dean's Advisory Board for the Seidman School of Business at Grand Valley State University in Allendale, Michigan.
