辛普森 重拾去年的鲍尔斯-辛普森(Bowles-Simpson)计划还为时不晚,它主张扩大税基,并废除大多数免税条款。
1、 Simpson-Bowles Commission 辛普森 ; 鲍尔斯委员会
2、 Simpson-Bowles 辛普森
More perplexing is the refusal of both Mr Obama and Mr Ryan to put forward a plan on Social Security, whose problems are more manageable and for which Simpson-Bowles advanced a balanced solution.
更令人困惑的是,奥巴马先生和瑞安先生都拒绝为社会保障问题提出一个方案来。 社会保障问题更容易管理,辛普森-鲍尔斯委员会已经对此有了一个平衡的解决方案。
By staking out ground to the left of Simpson-Bowles, Mr Obama may succeed in moving the debate back to the centre.
By that standard, the Simpson-Bowles deficit commission, whose work is now being treated as if it were the gold standard of fiscal seriousness, was in fact deeply unserious.
按照这种标准,辛普森—鲍勒斯(the Simpson - Bowles)赤字委员会事实上根本不严肃认真,而现在该委员会的工作却被认作对财政问题认真负责的黄金标准。
The United States' budget deficit is a serious problem, and there have been serious proposals to deal with it, such as those by the bipartisan Bowles-Simpson Commission.
Just look, says Mr Glickman, at how both parties treated the deficit-reduction proposals last year of the bipartisan Bowles-Simpson commission as a potato too hot to handle.
None of the members is part of the "gang of six" senators who proposed a plan similar to the Bowles-Simpson commission and, like that commission, got nowhere.
小组中没有一个人是曾提出与Bowles - Simpson委员会相似计划的“六人帮”成员,而且,像那个委员会一样,毫无进展。