Breeze In The Afternoon的意思|示意
Breeze In The Afternoon的网络常见释义
午后微风 最近喜欢: Breeze In The Afternoon(午后微风) , 水色 , 贝阿提丝 , Charlie Declines
午后和风 .... QQ:253747822(敲门暗号:淘宝+购买商品名称) 07. Breeze In The Afternoon [午后和风] 03. Diving Deep [深浅] ...
Breeze In The Afternoon相关例句
A sea breeze was wafting through the window, the clouds were glowing in the late afternoon sun (and they were still glowing, around 10:30 p.m., when I headed back toward my hotel).
We're sitting in the soft-focus, mumsy luxury of a beachside hotel suite in Santa Monica, French doors thrown open to the late afternoon Pacific breeze.
我们坐在圣塔莫尼卡(Santa Monica)一间弥漫着雍容奢华气息的海滨酒店套房中,黄昏时分,太平洋上的微风穿过敞开的法式对开门直吹了进来。
Who went back to see and felt a cool breeze each morning and the sun in his face every afternoon.