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But Astonishingly的网络常见释义
但令人惊奇 Bone gets its rigidity from calcium and phosphorus, materials found in seashells and teeth. But astonishingly, almost half of our bone mass is soft and alive, allowing our bones to bend.
But Astonishingly相关例句
Astonishingly, the head of risk reported not to Mr Prince or the board, but to a newly hired executive with a background in corporate-governance law, not cutting-edge finance.
It may look like sloppy thinking when we jump to a conclusion or follow a gut feeling, but our mental shortcuts turn out to be astonishingly successful.
A FINANCIAL crisis on the scale of the one unfolding on Wall Street would be terrible at any juncture. But the timing of this one is astonishingly bad.
Not only do we make astonishingly simple mistakes every day, but we make the same types of mistakes, Ariely discovers.
But astonishingly, almost half of our bone mass is soft and alive, allowing our bones to bend.
The motion was defeated, but, astonishingly, almost half of David Cameron's backbench MPs defied his call for them to vote against it.