Call Upon You的意思|示意

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Call Upon You的网络常见释义

呼喊耶和华 ... 和散那 Hosanna 呼喊耶和华 Call Upon You 主,求你来恢复 Lord, Come and Restore Us ...

Call Upon You相关例句

Of course, you may be reluctant to call upon a friend for help because you don’t want to admit you need it.


You may call upon us when you need another viewpoint to your current paradigm and predicament, one of a broader perspective and understanding.


Some day, and that day may never come, I will call upon you to do me a service in return.


If you chose to use synchronized methods (the default), the proxy creates a single call object upon instatiation, then uses it for every method.

如果您选择了使用同步方法(缺省值),代理将根据实例化创建一个单独的 call 对象,然后为每个方法使用该对象。

And just for my convenience I call this now the plus direction just for my convenience — it doesn't really matter So now we have here mg — that is gravity acting upon you.


Upon receiving a call the friend or relative can then talk to you to find out what you need or visit if required.
