Cards on the Table的意思|示意
Cards on the Table的网络常见释义
牌中牌 17、牌中牌(Cards on the Table) 在打桥牌的过程中,有人被杀。 这个案子很大程度上要从牌桌上四个人出的牌里参透玄机,而我完全不懂桥牌,所以我根本没有猜对凶...
底牌 ... 美索布达米亚谋杀案》/《古墓之谜》/《美索不达米亚惊魂》(Murder in Mesopotamia) 底牌》/《牌中牌》(Cards on the Table) 哑证人》/《沉默的证人》/《死无对证》(Dumb Witness/ Poirot Loses aClient) ..
摊在桌面上的牌 ... lie on the table 被搁置 cards on the table 摊在桌面上的牌,公开... lay on the table 把搁置下来 ...
波罗故事底牌 ...n the Library)还仅止于阿婆手中卷绕线团时,奥利弗太太的读者就在她初次协理(或毋宁说添乱)的波罗故事底牌(Cards on the Table)中拜读过同名的一出,那么也许这个人物暗示著阿婆草创作品一个很靠前的时间点。
Cards on the Table相关短语
1、 Cards s on the Table 牌中牌
Cards on the Table相关例句
We can only reach agreement if we both put our CARDS on the table.
I'm sick and tired of beating around the bush with them. I've decided to set my cards on the table.
In order to solve this problem, we must lay our CARDS on the table.
Put your CARDS on the table and tell me if you really want to cooperate with me.
He laid his CARDS on the table during the meeting to dispose of the excess inventory.
How foolish for you to lay all your CARDS on the table! You know they will attack you by using the facts.