Careful What You Wish For的意思|示意
Careful What You Wish For的网络常见释义
心想事成 ...– Great American – Volume 2本周获得第四名,而许久未见的德州合唱团(Texas)专辑「心想事成(Careful What You Wish For)则获第五名。
小心许愿 ... 这个挑战是要打碎一只中国瓷瓶,它在二楼的安全屋隔壁。 最好换一套保镖服装进去,趁职员离开开枪击碎。 2:小心许愿(Careful What You Wish For) 在大楼的前庭,铺有红地毯的地方有一座在型喷泉池,朝里边扔一枚硬币完成这个挑战。
唱片名 ... 版本特性: EnhancedImport 唱片名: Careful What You Wish For 出版者: Mercury ...
Careful What You Wish For相关例句
It may also be a case of being careful what you wish for.
A lawsuit or a merger or a shift to a new office space might seem like a good idea at the time — but be careful what you wish for.
Be careful what you wish for, as a saying goes, you may get it.
You must be very careful about what you wish for, because you simply cannot lie to yourself and get away with it.
Be careful what you wish for, they say. You're apt to get it.
BE CAREFUL what you wish for: you may get it.