[天]半人马座 A
表演者 ... 唱片名: Side Effects Expected 表演者: Centaurus-A 版本特性: Import ...
1、 Centaurus A 半人马座A ; 人马座A ; 半人马A
And in 2004, they found that a white dwarf near the constellation Centaurus, BPM 37093, wasmade of crystallized carbon weighing 5 million trillion trillion pounds.
2004年,他们在半人马星座附近发现一颗白矮星,将其称之为“BPM 37093”。 这颗白矮星由晶化碳构成,重量为500万*1万亿*1万亿磅。
The finding suggests that Scutum-Centaurus wraps all the way around the Milky Way, making it a symmetric counterpart to the galaxy's other major star-forming arm, Perseus.
The team calculate that the effect could account for the frequencies of gamma rays measured by Fermi coming from the black hole at the centre of the galaxy Centaurus A ().
Centaurus a is apparently the result of a collision of two otherwise normal galaxies resulting in a fantastic jumble of star clusters and imposing dark dust lanes.
At least Citadel is still in business. Others, such as Ospraie Fund and Centaurus Capital, chose to close funds after a bad performance sent investors scampering for redemptions.
These observations show that our Sun is moving through a Local Interstellar Cloud as this cloud flows outwards from the Scorpius-Centaurus Association star forming region.
这些观察结果表明我们的太阳正在穿过一片本地星际云(Local Interstellar Cloud),而这片星际云正在远离天蝎座和人马座星协(Scorpius-Centaurus Association)的恒星形成区域流动。