Chevy Volt的意思|示意
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沃蓝达 据了解,2011年4月,日产聆风(Leaf)电动汽车与通用雪佛兰沃蓝达(Chevy Volt)在美国的…
雪佛兰沃蓝达 在汽车行业摸爬滚打多年并以心直口快著称的业内高管鲍勃鲁茨(Bob Lutz)被彻底激怒了雪佛兰沃蓝达(Chevy Volt)是在他的督导下进入市场,他在博客中写道,没道理把特斯拉视为行业的变革者。
雪佛兰 由于销售不如预期导致库存过剩,通用汽车日前决定暂时停止生产Chevy Volt(雪佛兰)汽车。
Chevy Volt相关例句
For the sake of settling the question of which electric vehicle is better, the Nissan Leaf or the Chevy Volt, let's hope this technology gets stateside soon.
So one of the advanced battery manufacturing plants that we helped get going with some key loans and support and tax breaks, they're now putting those batteries into the Chevy Volt.
GM executives said the company plans to launch its futuristic hybrid, the Chevy Volt, in China by 2011, shortly after the car goes on sale in the U. S. in late 2010.
Slow sales of cars like the Chevy Volt and Tesla Model s may keep that number from being reached.
By November, and perhaps as soon as September, the Chevy Volt - an electric passenger car that goes 40 miles on a charge before a range-extending gas engine kicks in - will appear in dealer showrooms.
在11月,甚至可能在更早的9月份,Chevy Volt,一款能够开40码的载客电动车将出现在经销商的展示厅之中。
Late this year, the plug-in Chevy Volt and pure-electric Nissan Leaf arrive.