Chief Security Officer的意思|示意
Chief Security Officer的网络常见释义
保安部经理 ... Security Supervisor保安主管 Chief Security Officer保安部经理 Oracle数据工程师 ...
首席安全官 首席隐私官与首席安全官(Chief Security Officer,cso)是有区别的,后者主要职责在于计算机网络的具体数据安全,而前者则主要关心客户关系管理,即如何最佳地将客户数据转为有用的...
首席安全干事 ... in the dark before i know what i'm up against » 我不想在黑暗中,我才知道什么我对 chief security officer » 首席安全干事 According to the custom, the Chinese Midautumn Festival has needed to eat the moon cake » 习俗中,需要中国的中秋节吃月饼...
安保主任 driving home from work carefully as usual » 一天晚上,他驾车下班回家像往常一样仔细 chief security officer » 安保主任 answer security questions » 回答安全问题 ..
Chief Security Officer相关短语
1、 Assistant Chief Security Officer 保安部副经理
2、 Chief Information Security Officer 首席信息安全官 ; 甚至信息安全官 ; 首席安全执行长 ; 首席信息安全执行官
3、 Chief Physical Security Officer 物理安全官
Chief Security Officer相关例句
"Each magstripe has three tracks of information," explains payments security expert Jeremy Gumbley, the chief technology officer of CreditCall, an electronic-payments company.
电子支付公司 CreditCall 的首席技术官、支付安全专家杰里米·冈布利解释说:“每个磁条都有三条信息轨迹。”
Kevin B. Kealy is a chief information security officer for FIS.
In May, the company appointed Sony Global Solutions president Fumiaki Sakai as acting chief information security officer -- a position the company didn't have before.
今年五月,索尼公司任命原索尼全球解决方案(Sony Global Solutions)总裁酒井文明为公司的代理首席信息安全官——这是索尼被“黑”后新增设的一个职位。
Indeed, hackers are everywhere, according to Bruce Schneier, security expert and chief security technology officer for it service-provider BT.
They were from a recruiter looking to fill a chief operating officer position at a Pennsylvania-based company that provides medical and security services to clients living or traveling abroad.
Blancco Technology Group, chief strategy officer Richard Stieon believes that the network security executive order draft is wise.
Blancco Technology Group的首席战略官理查德·斯蒂农认为网络安全行政命令草案是明智的。