Clean Up the World的意思|示意

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Clean Up the World的网络常见释义

世界清洁日 ...世界清洁地球日又名世界清洁日(Clean Up the World)是全球性清洁活动,由澳大利亚的国际环保组织Clean Up the World的伊恩基南发起,现为全球最重要的环境保护活动之一。

让世界清洁起来 ...为在我国各城市组织好这一活动,现就有关事项通知如下: 一、活动的时间和主题 “让世界清洁起来(Clean UP the World)”是一项全球性的清洁城市的有益活动。今年的统一活动时间为9月20-22日。

清洁地球 而且,他们每年都参加澳大利亚驻广州总领事馆主办的“清洁地球”(clean up the world)活动,得到了有关方面的好评,并与澳领馆建立了良好的关系。

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Clean Up the World相关短语

1、 Clean Up the World Weekend 世界清洁日

2、 clean up the world man 清洁世界男子 ; 世界男子清理 ; 清理的男人世界

Clean Up the World相关例句

A new campaign to ban smoking in taxis is part of a wider push to clean up the city's image before the 2010 World Expo.

上海出租车将掀起一场禁烟运动, 这是上海在2010 年世博会前大力推行改变城市形象措施中的一部分。

Their supposedly clean, green fuel has been gobbling up some of the choicest food crops, including corn, rape and soya, leading to controversy and protests around the world.


They rocked the world, but as the clean-up at nine climate change gigs around the globe begins, many wonder if the galaxy of pop stars did much to change it.


For example, you can remove multiple blank lines with a single blank line (use the -s option), which is a good way to clean up source code before showing it to the world.

例如,您可以使用一个单独的空白行来除去多行空白行(使用- s选项),这是一个在您将源代码公诸于世前进行清除工作的好办法。

This may take a while to clean up. A new world record for the number of dominoes toppled in one go has been set in the Netherlands.


Now the actor is working with Edison Chouest Offshore to build first-responder ships that could be deployed around the world to clean up future spills.
