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Cook The Books的网络常见释义

做假帐 ... Paralyzed:瘫痪的 Cook The Books:做假帐 Hawkish:鹰派的,强硬派的 ...

做假账 ... cook one’s own goose断送某人的前途 cook the books做假账 cool hand厚颜无耻的人 ...

造假帐 ... chaperon 女伴 Cook the books 造假帐 more than 的用法和意义 ...

伪造或窜改财务报表 ... break even 不盈不亏 cook the books 伪造或窜改财务报表,造假账 pass the buck 推卸责任,把为难的事推给别人 ...

Cook The Books相关例句

Between meals, Carême wrote cook books that would be used in European kitchens for the next century.


Although my friend was usually honest, he decided to cook the books.


He tried to explain to me the difficulty of learning to cook from books.


Later, in his cook books, he would often include a sketch of himself, so that people on the street would be able to recognize—and admire—him.


No, no. I'm not suggesting that we "cook the books". But look at the cash flow from operation on the cash flow statement .


Now, he knows how to cook healthy and tasty meals. His school has a reading week every year. He and his classmates love it. They can read any books from the school library.
