Cross Hands的意思|示意
Cross Hands的网络常见释义
第二十三式 首页 ... 第二十二式 如封似闭 Apparent Close up 第二十三式 十字手 Cross Hands 第二十四式 收势 Closing Form ...
第四十一式 第四十式 左拦雀尾 Pulling Peacock’s Tail-left 第四十一式 十字手 Cross Hands 第四十二式 收势 Closing Form太极剑三十二式太极剑 第一式 并步点剑 Stand with Feet Together and Point Sword ..
十字手 还是应该像楼上这种“十字手”(cross hands)这样?
三十六 ... 三十五,如封似闭 self defence 三十六,十字手 cross hands 三十七,收势 finish ...
Cross Hands相关短语
1、 Cross Hands Hotel 克罗斯汉兹酒店
2、 Cross Hands Hotel Old Sodbury 布里斯托尔经济型宾馆
3、 our hands cross 我的手就在你手里
Cross Hands相关例句
In the face of a serious disaster, the people in the disaster areas have not been scared down cross, there is no loss of good faith, they are wiped away tears with their own hands to create tomorrow.
The cross shape of their physical frame is echoed on the ribbon tied on the man, green pattern on the drapery, and also materialized on the linked contour of the two figures holding hands.
Now cross at the elbows and try and press the palms, you can even just take the back of the hands together, so there's that tension in the shoulders.
Little Frank: When we cross the road, you always hold my hands tightly.
When crossing the road, she is always right hand to me, and my hands resting on her palm, take walk to cross the road, then duck would told: "don't cross the road car".
CONCLUSIONS to use antibiotic rationally, to strengthen sterilization of bed unit, to wash hands before and after operation are the necessary measures to prevent cross infection in burn wards.