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In addition to all the capabilities of DSH, PSSH is able to copy files to and from a central server and kill processes across a bank of systems.
除了具备d sh的所有功能之外,pssh还可以把文件从一组系统复制到中心服务器或反向复制,以及杀死一组系统上的进程。
dsh: This shell can run a shell command on many machines in parallel.
dsh:这个 shell 可以并行地在许多计算机上执行 shell 命令。
The shell is a fairly small application; the dsh and dsh.
这个 shell 是相当小的应用程序;
Unlike DSH, the hosts are always named via a manifest, a file where each line takes the form host [: port] [user]. Here's how to run uptime across a swath of hosts with parallel-ssh.
与dsh不同,pssh总是通过清单文件指定主机,其中的每行采用host [: port] [user]形式。
The file $HOME/.dsh/machines.list is the global collection. If you specify dsh -a, the given command runs on all machines listed in machines.list.
$HOME/.dsh/machines.list 文件是全局集合。