Delaware Chancery Court的意思|示意
Delaware Chancery Court的网络常见释义
法院 迪拜世界23日表示,该公司向特拉华州衡平 法院 ( Delaware Chancery Court )指控米高梅在城市中心项目的进度上有违约行为。
法庭 是UAW的律师团向特拉华州高等法院法庭(Delaware Chancery Court)提交了一份申请,希望能够将一项涉及至少54000股克莱斯勒股份的交易推迟至2015年1月再进行。UAW方面的这.
Delaware Chancery Court相关短语
1、 the Delaware Court of Chancery 衡平法院
Delaware Chancery Court相关例句
The property rights of any investors must be protected and a US Court for Taiwan that is modeled on Delaware Court of Chancery is an appropriate step for business jurisdiction with US-trained judges.
Thus, at birth in 1792, the Court of Chancery had not only a future but also a specific Delaware heritage.