Department of Mineral Resources的意思|示意
Department of Mineral Resources的网络常见释义
美国矿产资源部 美国矿产资源部(Department of Mineral Resources)周二(10月13日)公布统计初值显示,美国北达科他州8月原油产量意外出现下滑,为每日119万桶,较7月下降了20552桶,或1.7%。
南非矿产资源部 有, 并经南非矿产资源部(Department of Mineral Resources)颁发编号为NW30/5/1 /2/2/76MR之采矿权证书,拟取得的采矿权不存在权属争议和权利受限制情况.
Department of Mineral Resources相关例句
The paper describes the activities and objectives of the Department of Mineral Resources in the field of environmental geology.
The paper analyzes protection of mining rights and market flowing, protection of mine environment, function of mineral resources administration department according to the law.
It is important work for administrative responsible department of geology and mineral resources to go through the formalities of mine license and to continue register procedure.