Design School的意思|示意
Design School的网络常见释义
设计学派 1、设计学派(the design school): 设计学派(the school): 该学派认为战略是一个主观的概念化过程。 该学派认为战略是一个主观的概念化过程。
设计学院 我对工业设计的兴趣萌芽于斯坦福设计学院(Design School)的一个活动。设计学院是由当今最好最酷的工业设计公司IDEO和斯坦福联合创办的一个项目。
设计学校 “设计学校”(Design School)就是个很好的例子。每期设计学校历时三天,来自各个领域、不同地域的年轻学员聚集一堂,迈出各自的“舒适圈”,一起解决难题,发...
传统规划程序 ...、行动、错误、学习 四、战略规划的确动态关观 行动是理性和非理性的结合 左脑和右脑的交叉运作 1、传统规划程序(design school) 外在环境分析 机会与威胁 内在条件分析 优势与弱点 组织目标 执行行动企业文化组织结构作业系统功能性政策可行策略的研拟与选定...
Design School相关短语
1、 Kuwasawa Design School 桑泽设计研究所 ; 桑泽设计学院 ; 桑泽设计研讨所 ; 日本桑泽设计研究所
2、 First Media Design School 第一媒体设计学院 ; 新加坡第一媒体设计学院 ; 媒体设计学院
3、 Media Design School 新西兰媒体设计学院 ; 媒体设计学院 ; 兰媒体设计学校
Design School相关例句
TH: I did attend a design school, the Kyushu Sangyou Daigaku in the arts division.
We have a strong design school, important design center and research platform. There are also lots of events of design going on in our city.
Traces of this theme recently appeared in a thread on the IAI mailing list, s there a design school culture?
When you are in design school, the teacher sets the deadlines for you and tries to give you enough time.
It's even more fascinating when this shit happens in a design school.
As I write this article, at this very moment a team of people are working away at the school in India to launch a new design for the school website, which will be unveiled soon.