Design for Living的意思|示意
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爱情无计 刘别谦(Ernst Lubisch)一九三三年的《爱情无计》(Design for Living),戏名改得语带相关,不知是谓无计策还是无计较。实情可能是无计可施,只好强作无计较。
巴黎 《巴黎、纽约、伦敦的爱情与面包》 (Design For Living) 《大家 ..
纽约 ... 沙漠之歌》 (Desert Song) 巴黎、纽约、伦敦的爱情与面包》 (Design For Living) 大家一起来飞》 (De La Guarda) ...
Design for Living相关短语
1、 design for living collection 地区
2、 Interior Design for Luxury Living 奢华室内设计 ; 奢华生活室内设计
3、 design for active living 积极向上的生活而设计
Design for Living相关例句
Apart from basic functions for living, the design explored more USES that are beyond the owner's expectation, such as the kid's room, the exterior-like communicational space, etc.
The design concepts of Chinese gardens, which achieve the harmony between man-made and natural environments, are significant for the ecological planning of living environment.
Design is a deep skill, and there's no substitute for writing code and living with it for years.
And urban design should improve the quality of city space and to create an enjoyable natural and built environment for people living in it.
Based on the physiological and psychological characteristics of old people, it is proposed several questions that merit attention in the design of living environment for old people.
With my design experience, I was confident I could make it into a great living space. I sketched for three days.