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分离剂 详情:全自动封边机使用的分离剂(EBA-A)绝对使您的封边质量再提高一个新的档次!包装:5L、30L优点:省人、省成本.


1、 EBA A Emergency Bunker Additional 应急燃油费

2、 a EBA 紧急燃油附加费


Probably the surest approach to finding a good Buyer Agent is to look for an EBA.


Another area of active development in Aries is the "application" concept, which is a way of grouping bundles into a single application or Enterprise bundle Archive (EBA).

Aries积极开发的另一个领域是“应用程序”概念,这是将bundle分组为单个应用程序或Enterprise bundle Archive (EBA)的一种方式。

The one Europe-wide solution already in existence, EBA Clearing, is gathering momentum—handling about 250,000 transactions a day—but it reaches only those banks that are connected to it.

EBA 清算是一家已存在的全欧一体解决方案,发展势头相当不错,它每天处理25 万宗交易,但是只限于和它建立业务关系的银行。

This conversion can be performed automatically for a WAR module inside an EBA, although a best practice would be to convert the WAR module into an OSGi bundle before adding it to the EBA.


The EBA can simply refer to bundles that can be obtained at an appropriate stage from a bundle repository.

EBA 可以仅指从 bundle 库的相应阶段获得的 bundle。

An eba is made up of zero or more bundles, packaged in a single.zip format archive with an optional application manifest (APPLICATION.MF), and has a.eba extension.

一个eba由零个或多个捆绑包组成,打包在一个带有可选应用程序清单(APPLICATION . MF)的. zip格式存档中,而且有一个. eba扩展名。