Estate Agent Fee的意思|示意

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Estate Agent Fee的网络常见释义

中介费 ...tal Gain Tax 点击查看各州最新的印花税:维多利亚州、新南威尔士州、昆士兰州、西澳洲 1000-2000澳元 中介费(Estate Agent Fee) 印花税Stamp Duty Land Tax (SDLT) 房价的1.2%-12.5%(各州税率不一,见底部各州最新印花税税率) 房屋出租管理费 污水处理费 市...

Estate Agent Fee相关例句

Everybody had an incentive to do a deal, almost regardless of the homebuyers' ability to repay; the buyer hoping for a quick profit, the real-estate agent and mortgage broker hoping for a fee.
