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部 布衣神相 下部 经济版 袋装 (Face to Fate) 爆旋陀螺2 神封一族9(赠:趣味陀螺) 变形金刚 第二季7 (Trans Formers7) 不良主妇(26集)·又名:主妇日记
Face to Fate相关短语
1、 face to the fate 布衣神相
Face to Fate相关例句
Education has become the key to determining a country's prospect or fate in the face of knowledge-economic challenge.
Even though everything looks right to you, you don't know the fate of the movie when you face the audience and whether they agree or not.
即使所有的事情看起来都很顺, 可你还是无法预知观众对电影的看法,不知道他们是否能产生共鸣。
No memories could be restored, as they have to face the fate of being "falsified" today, and serve the current spiritual demand of the subject of memory.
I shall face you or any of your troops in single combat, with the winner to determine the fate of this inn.
But fate liked spitting in poor little Simba's face, and his dear old dad got trampled to death by wildebeests.
You need to face the harsh reality of your life (fate).