Feminine Hygiene Products的意思|示意
Feminine Hygiene Products的网络常见释义
生保健品 Summer's Eve舒摩儿是全球女性卫生保健品(Feminine Hygiene Products)的首发男装品牌大全,也是全球领导男装品牌大全。
卫生洁体用品系列 爽好心 Summer' Eve 是女孩卫生洁体用品系列 (Feminine Hygiene Products) 的产物品牌 由美利坚合众国世纪药厂 CB Fleet 所开发,全系列产物皆由美利坚合众国妇产科大夫依照女孩特殊心理需求所预设开发与证...
女性卫生用品 ... clothing and footwear衣物与鞋类; feminine hygiene products女性卫生用品; laundry products洗涤用品; ...
等女性卫生用品 如灯泡(light lrev)、延伸线(extension cord)等女性卫生用品(feminine hygiene products)金融任职与产品(fina powerfulcinos services a powerfuld mercha powerfuldise),如抵押(mortgage)、荣誉卡(credit card)...
Feminine Hygiene Products相关例句
Every woman has to purchase pads and dispose of bloody feminine hygiene products.
This research will provide reliable theory summary and guidance in applying to design practice of the feminine hygiene products.
Ms. Meng has also introduced legislation that would allow employees to use flexible spending account funds to buy feminine hygiene products.
With a quick re-branding that actually capitalized on their product's origin, Kimbery-Clark packaged cellucotton as feminine hygiene products and was hailed as the saviors of women everywhere.
利用这种产品的起源,Kimbery - Clark快速对它进行了重新品牌化,并将纤维棉包装成女性卫生产品并被称赞为全世界女性的救星。
A well designed perforated belt can be used in a variety of industries including: Wood, Board and panel, Paper, Diapers and non-woven industry, Hygiene and feminine products and more.