Fixed Income Asset的意思|示意
Fixed Income Asset的网络常见释义
固收益的资产 ... mortgage asset disposition income 其中处置抵债资产收入 Fixed Income Asset 固收益的资产 Net income from asset 资产盘盈净收益 ...
Fixed Income Asset相关短语
1、 Fixed Income Asset Management logo 固定收入财产管理
Fixed Income Asset相关例句
"The meeting has definitely gotten more interesting for the participants than they'd like, " said Mitch Stapley, chief fixed-income officer at Fifth Third Asset Management.
The characteristics of life insurance liability determine that life insurer's asset allocation is dominated by fixed-income securities with a consideration of asset liability matching management.
Namely: The taxpayer purchases the income tax amount which the fixed asset occurs to permit in the increment duty tax amount which the production realizes arrives at the buckle.
Alan Wilde, head of fixed income and currency at Baring Asset Management, said: "the crisis is reaching another key phase with debt auctions this week."
霸菱资产管理公司(Baring Asset Management)固定收益及货币业务主管艾伦·王尔德(Alan Wilde)表示:“本周举行债券拍卖时,危机将进入另一个关键阶段。”
It is essential to carry out the dynamic estimation for the major influenced factors of item's cash flow that include the depreciation of fixed asset, business income, cash-pay cost, etc.
影响项目现金流量的主要因素有固定资产折旧、营业收入及付现成本等 ,这些因素必须进行动态估计。贴现率需要在定性选择及分段量化方面作出定夺。
The results showed that, if considering the regional differences, the influencing factors for the demand of property insurance were disposable income per person, fixed asset investment and population.