Fly by Night的意思|示意
Fly by Night的网络常见释义
夜间飞行 ...),德国 二等奖 Drari 导演:Kamal Lazraq 法国高等国家影像与声音职业学院(La femis),法国 三等奖 《夜间飞行》(Fly by Night) 导演:Son Tae-gyum 中央大学(Chung-Ang University),韩国...
不可靠 不过,fly by night(不可靠)倒真的与夜晚行动有关——赖账房客为逃房租,夜晚偷逃出房东家。
不够可靠 ... Doodle:涂鸦;闲荡,打发时间 Shill:雇佣骗子 Fly By Night:不够可靠,不能信任 ...
不可靠――与夜 ... Duvet day 偷懒假 Fly by night 不可靠――与夜 Dear的几种用法,不仅是“亲爱的 ...
Fly by Night相关短语
1、 fly by night companies 没有信誉的公司
2、 fly-by-night 逃债者 ; 太不靠谱 ; 蝇眼
3、 We're not fly-by-night operator 我们不做一锤子买卖
Fly by Night相关例句
For Mr Chandler it was managers, patiently building and running large organisations, who were the real heroes of the industrial age, and not fly-by-night entrepreneurs, as some romantics taught.
The admission brochure of a fly-by-night school will often emphasize that the president received this or that doctorate insgroupsto persuade readers that it is a good school.
But Chua believes such less-than reliable valuation outfits won't survive in the long run. "If you want to be a fly-by-night company, yeah why not, you can put a value to anything you want."
Clearly, it was a fly-by-night organization.
Even some of Mr Ozawa’s supporters concede that Mr Kan is marginally more likely to win, because he enjoys more popular support and the nation is sick of a succession of fly-by-night leaders.
即便是小泽的一些支持者都认为菅直人获胜的可能性更大。 因为他获得了更为广泛的支持,并且国民对失去信誉的领导者充满厌恶情绪。
It is designed to fly day and night by saving surplus energy from its 12,000 solar cells in high-performance batteries.