字体名称 ... Font-Italic(斜体) Font-Name(字体名称) Font-Overline(字体眉题)) ...
1、 Font name 字体名称 ; 字型名 ; 字型名称 ; 字体名
2、 Prompt Font Name 提示字体名
3、 Default Font Name 默认字体 ; 默认的字体
This particular font is a freebie named Feast of Flesh (fitting name! ) Scale and position each word into position on the design and fill with swatches from the basic colour palette.
这种特殊的字体是免费搭乘名为肉宴 (合适的名字!)每一个设计规模和位置字的位置上,并填写到调色板样本与从基本的颜色。
In the default template, the font name of MyriadPro, font size of 12pt, in black color is used for bookmark heading level 1 entries in the table of contents.
The Word application provides various formatting options, such as font name, font size, bold, italics, etc. that can be applied to text.
Word 应用程序提供了不同的文本格式化选项,例如字体名、字号、粗体、斜体,等等,您可以将其应用到文本。
The generic name for this re-ordering procedure is Complex Font Layout (CFL).
这个重新排序过程的通用名字是Complex Font Layout (CFL)。
You'd like to use the same font in a design of yours... but you don't know the font name.
Equipped with black font below company name and give rational, rigorous feeling, this is company industry requirements.