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出镜 ... Frame-out 出镜 out frame 外机座 drawing-out frame 拉模板 ...


1、 frame out 转出 ; 离开屏幕

2、 Multi-frame out-of-sync 复帧失步

3、 out of frame 帧失步 ; 帧外 ; 失帧 ; 框失调


Now all he had was his tea shop — a two-by-three-meter frame set by a canal, for which he’d taken out another loan.


When you wake up, before you get out of bed, take a moment to settle your thoughts and get into the right frame of mind.


Picking out each frame took me about an hour, after wading through 150-200 results and checking measurements on the ones that caught my eye.


When you issue the 'info locals' command GDB actually prints out variables local to the current frame, which by default is where the interrupted function is (frame 0).

实际上,发出' info locals '命令时,gd b会打印出当前帧中的局部变量,缺省情况下,这个帧中的函数就是被中断的函数(0号帧)。

So we ask Nike and the others to help phase them out over a reasonable time frame.


IF you use this technique, remember to set the rc: LinkTarget parameter to the name of your IFRAME to avoid popping out of the frame when a user clicks a link in the report, as with any frame.

如果您使用这种技术,切记要将rc: LinkTarget参数设置为IF RAME的名称,以避免当用户单击报表的链接时在框架外弹出任意一个框架。